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2024 World Series of Poker

Event #71: $1,000 Ladies No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Giorni 1
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
80,000 / 160,000
Informazioni Giocatori - Giorno 1
Giocatori Rimasti

Mazet's Full House Dominates

Livello 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

With 2,100 in the pot and the flop showing KK6, Florence Mazet, sitting in the big blind, checked as the first to act. The player next to her also checked, and another player bet 1,000. Mazet called, prompting the other player to fold.

Both players checked the 8 on the turn.

Mazet then bet 3,000 on the river, showing A, and was called. She revealed 66 for a full house, and her opponent's cards went into the muck.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Florence Mazet fr
Florence Mazet

Tags: Florence Mazet

Carey Takes It Down with a River Bet

Livello 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Action started with an open from a player in early position to 600, which was three-bet to 2,000 by Irene Carey in middle position. Deborah Worley-Roberts called in the small blind, at first thinking she is only calling the original bet. She then put in the rest of her chips to cover the three-bet. Original raiser also called.

The flop came J38. Worley-Roberts checked, as did the player in early position. Carey continued for 2,100. Worley-Roberts checked and early position folded.

The turn was the Q. Worley-Roberts checked again and Carey bet 4,300. Worley-Roberts called.

The river was the 9, bringing in four to a straight. After another checked from Worley-Roberts, Carey bet 8,300, which prompted a fold from Worley-Roberts, sending a nice-looking pot Carey's way.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Irene Carey us
Irene Carey
Day 1 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Deborah Worley-Roberts gb
Deborah Worley-Roberts

Tags: Debra Worley-RobertsIrene Carey

Stahl Is Not Playing Ace-King Suited Anymore

Livello 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

At her very fun and lively table, Kathy Stahl said she will no longer play ace-king suited after losing a hand to Sarah Remko, where the board read J751010.

According to the players, Stahl bet every street until the river, when she decided to check. Remko then bet and Stahl folded, but showed the hand, the AK. Remko showed hers, too, the Q10.

Stahl was way ahead on the flop with a better flush draw and overcards to the flop, but then Remko caught a pair on the turn and trips on the river. When Stahl saw what happened, she erupted saying she is done playing ace-king suited. She later amended her position by saying she might limp the hand.

Remko took down a pot of about 11,000 chips.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Kathy Stahl us
Kathy Stahl
Profile photo of Sarah Remko us
Sarah Remko

Tags: Kathy StahlSarah Remko

Merk's Bold Bluff or Nut Flush?

Livello 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

PokerNews caught the action with the board showing 6Q83 and around 2,000 in the pot. Abby Merk, sitting in the small blind, checked, and her opponent bet 1,600 from the cutoff. Merk raised to 3,500, and her opponent called.

The dealer turned the 8 on the river, and Merk, first to act, bet 7,000. Her opponent folded.

"Nut flush," Merk commented without showing her cards, leaving many skeptical faces at the table and prompting another player to assume she was bluffing.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Abby Merk us
Abby Merk

Tags: Abby Merk

Lane Wins Two Big Hands to Eliminate Opponent

Livello 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Action started with a raise to 3,000 from the player under the gun, which was called by Yurina Omuro in middle position. Action was folded to Medina Lane in the blinds, who three-bet to 11,000. The original raiser went all in for a bit over that amount and Omuro folded. Lane called the all-in.

Under the gun: AKAll in
Medina Lane: JxJx

The board ran out 88322 and Lane took down the pot, while her opponent was eliminated.

Lane later said that she had previously doubled up versus the same player with KxKx versus QxQx.

Omuro, who folded to the three-bet and shove preflop, said she had 88 and would have flopped quads.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Medina Lane us
Medina Lane
Profile photo of Yurina Omuro jp
Yurina Omuro

Tags: Medina LaneYurina Omuro

Moore Holds with Aces

Livello 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Megan Moore
Megan Moore

Action folded around to middle position, who raised into Megan Moore in the hijack. Middle position made a quick call and players went heads-up to the flop.

Megan Moore: AAAll in
Middle Position: KK

Once the cards were flipped, another player at the table commented "I folded queens", and appeared happy that they had gotten away from the pocket kings and aces.

The J8J flop, 6 turn and 10 river didn't change anything and Moore got the double.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Megan Moore us
Megan Moore

Tags: Megan Moore

Livello: 2

Bui: 100/200

Ante: 200