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2024 World Series of Poker

Event #59: $1,000 Super Seniors No-Limit Hold'em
Giorni 1
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
300,000 / 600,000
Informazioni Giocatori - Giorno 1
Giocatori Rimasti

Livello: 4

Bui: 200/400

Ante: 400

Nickerson Knows How to Play Pocket Jacks

Livello 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

There was a limp from early position when Steve Nickerson shoved all in for 8,400. The action folded to the player in the big blind who called, and the limper folded.

Steve Nickerson: JJ All in
Big Blind: AK

The window card was the A but the 2J followed it which prompted Nickerson to punch the air in delight. It wasn't over though as the Q turn improve the big blind to a Broadway draw, but the 6 river was a brick which meant Nickerson doubled up.

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Steve Nickerson

Tags: Steve Nickerson

Aces Gets Phillips a Double

Livello 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Action was picked up with cards on their backs and John Phillips all in for 26,500 against a player on the button.

The board showed 96Q8J with the button showing down KQ for top pair with queens. However, it was Phillips with the winner when he tabled AA for the overpair with his pocket aces. He left his opponent with just 100 chips after the hand, who was eliminated shortly after.

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John Phillips

Tags: John Phillips

Wanzer Receives Two Pair

Livello 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

The early position player limped and Scott Wanzer raised to 1,400 and received a call from the big blind and the early position player. The flop came out with JJ4 and everyone checked.

On the turn A both players checked to Wanzer who made a bet of 2,200. The big blind found the fold and the early position player called.

The river 10 was checked through as well and Wanzer flipped over AQ for two pair and the early position player mucked.

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Scott Wanzer

Tags: Scott Wanzer

Pocket Queens Help Zakheim Build His Stack

Livello 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

There was a short-stacked player who shoved from early position for around 3,000. Scott Zakheim had called, as the did the player in the small blind.

On the 438 flop, the small blind check-called a bet of 3,500 from Zakheim.

The turn was a 9 and once it checked to Zakheim, he bet 10,000.

"How much? 10,000? I don't have that much," remarked the small blind before she folded.

Early Position: 66 All in
Scott Zakheim: QQ

Both the side pot and the main pot ware pushed to Zakheim as the 2 river changed nothing.

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Scott Zakheim

Tags: Scott Zakheim

Rone Turns a Flush to Stay Alive

Livello 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

With action being picked up on the flop, Jay Rone was all in for 11,500 versus a player in middle position. With 6,000 already in the pot and a board showing 772 the cards were flipped on their back.

Jay Rone: A10 All in
Middle Position: 87

Rone was behind the trips of his opponent, but when the turn came the 9 it improved him a flush and put him in the lead. After the 6 on the turn, Rone's flush was still best to give him the double up.

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Jay Rone

Tags: Jay Rone

Broad Went Fishing

Livello 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

A board of KA7810 was on board when the player in the small blind bet 2,400 on the river. Alex Broad then counted out a raise to around 8,000, which eventually made the small blind fold.

"I went fishing again," remarked Broad as he showed the table J9 for a rivered straight.

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Alex Broad

Tags: Alex Broad

Just Like Old Times

Livello 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Kenna James raised from under the gun to 800 and a player in middle position stated, "Just like old times, Kenneth," and called. Dave Asaki was sitting in the big blind and had other ideas and moved all in for his last 6,000. James made the call and the player in the middle position was finished with the old times and folded.

Dave Asaki: AK All in
Kenna James: Q10

The board ran out with 96K4K and Asaki managed to double up plus a little bit to stay alive.

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Kenna James
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Dave Asaki

Tags: Dave AsakiKenna James

Lang Scoops a Big Pot With Snowmen

Livello 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

On a board of 427J there were already 14,000 chips in the pot when the early position player bet 6,000. Eugene Lang then raised to 15,000, which left the early position player with some thinking.

"Will you show if I fold?" he asked.

"I'll show you one," replied Lang.

A surprising shove then came from the early position player, and Lang called off the 10,000 chips he had behind.

Eugene Lang: 88 All in
Early Position: 76

The A on the river didn't change anything and Lang was pushed the pot.

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Eugene Lang

Tags: Eugene Lang

Stansell Triples Up

Livello 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

After a player under the gun raised to 1,100, he was called by a player in early position, and a player on the button. That's when John Stansell three-bet all in for 7,200. Both the under the gun player, and the player in early position called. The player on the button folded, leaving three players in the pot, with Stansell all in.

Both the under the gun player and the player in early position checked every street after the board ran out JA79A.

When it was time for showdown, Stansell said I "I got it" and tabled A7 for a full house. Both players threw their cards in the muck, giving Stansell the triple up.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
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John Stansell

Tags: John Stansell

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