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2024 World Series of Poker

Event #37: $10,000 Big O Championship
Giorni 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
100,000 / 200,000
Informazioni Giocatori - Giorno 3
Giocatori Rimasti

Aaron Sacks Eliminated in 13th Place ($30,800)

Livello 22 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Aaron Sacks
Aaron Sacks

George Parublev opened to 85,000 from the cutoff and then called after Aaron Sacks moved all in for 290,000 on the button.

Aaron Sacks: AKJ72 All in
George Parublev: A9433

The board ran out 610292 to improve Parublev to a flush with no qualifying low hand, thus felting Sacks in 13th place.

"I didn't know he had so little when I raised," remarked Parublev as he raked in the pot.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of George Parublev us
George Parublev
Profile photo of Aaron Sacks us
Aaron Sacks

Tags: Aaron SacksGeorge Parublev

Parublev Calls All In

Livello 22 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante

The action was caught on a turn of 9976, where George Parublev made a bet of 75,000 from the big blind. His opponent was Michael Rocco in the hijack, who made the call.

On the 4 river, Parublev bet 150,000 chips before Rocco announced a pot-sized raise to 740,000, putting his opponent all in. Parublev thought it over for a few moments before announcing a call for his tournament life.

Rocco tabled AQ1053 for the second nut low, while Parublev showed down A9853 for the same low and a straight to go with it. He was awarded three-quarters of the pot, ending up with a seven-figure stack.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Michael Rocco us
Michael Rocco
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of George Parublev us
George Parublev

Tags: George ParublevMichael Rocco

Jattin Takes From Atamian

Livello 22 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante

Alfred Atamian called in the cutoff and in the big blind, Farid Jattin raised to 120,000 which Atamian called.

On the flop of AAJ, Jattin bet 65,000 which Atamian called.

Jattin check-called a bet of 120,000 on the turn 10 from Atamian and both players checked the 6 river.

Jattin turned over A10972 for aces full of tens and he took down the pot.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Farid Jattin co
Farid Jattin
Profile photo of Alfred Atamian us
Alfred Atamian

Tags: Alfred AtamianFarid Jattin

Wong Wins Half

Livello 22 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante

Michael Rocco limped from under the gun before George Parublev raised to 105,000 on the button. Danny Wong called in the big blind as did Rocco to generate three-way action heading to the flop.

The flop came 78K, prompting Wong to move all in for 300,000. Rocco jammed and Parublev called off to setup a massive pot.

Danny Wong: AK1043 All in
George Parublev: A9632 All in
Michael Rocco: A6552

The turn and river came 3A with Wong taking the high half of the main pot with top two while Rocco took the low half of the main and side pot. Parublev, meanwhile, was left with just the high half of the side pot.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Michael Rocco us
Michael Rocco
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of George Parublev us
George Parublev
Profile photo of Danny Wong us
Danny Wong
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Danny WongGeorge ParublevMichael Rocco

Sacks Shows Bluff

Livello 22 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante

Aaron Sacks limped in from under the gun, Dylan Weisman completed his small blind, and George Parublev checked his option in the big blind.

A flop of J10Q then hit the table, where the action was checked to Sacks. Sacks made the minimum bet of 40,000 chips and was called by both of his opponents.

On the 5 turn, Sacks raised the stakes to 110,000 chips. This time, both Weisman and Parublev mucked their hands. Sacks tabled 4322, showing that he could not have had a flush.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Dylan Weisman us
Dylan Weisman
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of George Parublev us
George Parublev
Profile photo of Aaron Sacks us
Aaron Sacks

Tags: Aaron SacksDylan WeismanGeorge Parublev

Shing Doubles Through Jattin

Livello 22 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante

Philip Shing called in the hijack which saw action fold to the small blind where Farid Jattin potted, prompting Shing to move all in for 670,000 which Jattin called.

Philip Shing: AAJ108 All in
Farid Jattin: AKQQ3

The board ran out 10532J and the jacks and tens for high and eight-low were good for Shing to secure the double up at the expense of Jattin.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Farid Jattin co
Farid Jattin
Profile photo of Philip Shing us
Philip Shing

Tags: Farid JattinPhilip Shing

Anson Tsang Eliminated in 14th Place ($30,800)

Livello 22 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Anson Tsang
Anson Tsang

Alfred Atamian raised to 90,000 under the gun and Anson Tsang pushed in his stack of 250,000 from the next seat over. The action folded back to Atamian, who made the call to put Tsang at risk.

Anson Tsang: AKQ22 All in
Alfred Atamian: A5543

Tsang flopped a set on the 2KJ board, but the A turn brought Atamian a wheel draw in addition to his flopped flush draw. The 3 river indeed made him the nut low and a straight to the five, wheeling out Tsang in 14th place.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Alfred Atamian us
Alfred Atamian
Profile photo of Anson Tsang hk
Anson Tsang
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Alfred AtamianAnson Tsang

P.J. Cha Eliminated in 15th Place ($30,800)

Livello 22 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
PJ Cha
PJ Cha

P.J. Cha called in early position which saw action fold around to Farid Jattin in the big blind who potted the bet. Cha repotted for his last 290,000 and Jattin called.

P.J. Cha: A9973 All in
Farid Jattin: AQ432

The board ran out K8785 and the river brought both the flush home for Jattin and the nut-low, leaving him to scoop both halves of the pot.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Farid Jattin co
Farid Jattin
Profile photo of P.J. Cha us
P.J. Cha

Tags: Farid JattinP.J. Cha

Livello: 22

Bui: 20,000/40,000

Ante: 40,000