Adam Owen: 6x4x/5x7xKxAx/6x
Hoyt Corkins: 7xAx/5x3x9xQx/8x
Bernard Larabi: 6x2x/3x8xKx8x/Jx
Umeme Hoye: 3xAx/7x9x5xQx/Kx
Bets and raises were exchanged on third street until Adam Owen had the potential to eliminate three players in one hand. Each player had three good cards to start, leaving someone to ask if there were any more low cards left in the deck.
There were a few left, with Owen catching the best of it, making a seven-six by sixth street, Leaving Larabe drawing dead and Corkins and Hoye needing to pull a deuce or six to make a better seven than Owen's.
Neither did though and three players were eliminated in a critical hand that has Owen right among the chip leaders.
Adam OwenBernard LarabiHoyt CorkinsOwen Rockets