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2011 World Series of Poker

Event #47: $2,500 Omaha/Seven Card Stud Hi-Low-8 or Better
Giorni 2
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
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0 / 0

Double-KO for Kravchenko

Livello 14
Alexander Kravchenko
Alexander Kravchenko

Omaha 8

In a three-way hand that was four-bet preflop, Scott Clements found himself all in for his last 7,000 against Alex Kravchenko and Jonathan Spinks. The flop came {10-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{5-Hearts}, Kravchenko bet and Spinks called.

The turn was the {9-Diamonds}, and this time Kravchenko checked and let Spinks bet, thereby committing all but the very last of his chips. The Russian just called, but the pair essentially put the rest of Spinks' chips in dark as the river came the {Q-Diamonds}.

Kravchenko tabled {A-Hearts}{J-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} for a straight, which neither Spinks nor Clements could beat. Two knockouts for Kravchenko, who now has about 40,000.

Tags: Alex KravchenkoJonathan SpinksScott Clements

Rechnitzer Wrecks Seidel

Livello 14

Omaha 8

George Rechnitzer limped in from middle position, then Erik Seidel raised from the cutoff. Rechnitzer called, and the pair saw the flop come {10-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}. Rechnitzer bet, and Seidel called. The turn was the {7-Diamonds}, and again Rechnitzer bet and Seidel called.

The river brought the {8-Hearts} and another bet from Rechnitzer. This time Seidel folded, preserving the 9,000 he has left. Rechnitzer flashed two of his hole cards -- {A-Hearts}{A-Clubs} -- as he collected the chips. He has 31,000.

Tags: Erik SeidelGeorge Rechnitzer

A Savage Exit

Stud 8

Hoyt Verner: {x-}{x-} / {4-Spades}{A-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{K-Hearts} / {x-}
Jason Potter: {x-}{x-} / {K-Clubs}{10-Hearts} FOLDED
Matt Savage: {x-}{x-} / {J-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{K-Spades} / {x-}

Hoyt Verner brought in on third and Jason Potter completed, Matt Savage then raised all in with Verner and Potter both calling. On fourth, Verner bet his ace and Potter folded, Verner turned over {6-Diamonds}{8-Hearts} for just a low draw while Savage flipped {A-Hearts}{6-Clubs}. Verner made a pair of eights on fifth which managed to hold as both players bricked, Savage making sixes on seventh but it wasn't enough to get him any part of the pot despite many outs.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Matt Savage us
Matt Savage

Tags: Matt Savage

Buss Goes Clubbin'

Livello 14
Jerry Buss
Jerry Buss

Stud 8

A player completed, Brandon Shack-Harris called with the {7-Clubs} up, and Jerry Buss called with the {3-Clubs}. On fourth, Shack-Harris bet and the other two called. On fifth, Shack-Harris bet and only Buss stuck around. Then on sixth when Shack-Harris bet Buss raised, and Shack-Harris called. Shack-Harris then check-called seventh.

Buss turned over {Q-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{7-Hearts} to go with the {3-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{K-Clubs}{J-Clubs} he had up for a club flush and no low, and Shack-Harris, who'd been dealt {7-Clubs}{A-Clubs}{7-Spades}{Q-Spades} from third to sixth, mucked.

Buss rolls up to 44,000 with that scoop, while Shack-Harris still has 111,000.

Tags: Brandon SharckharrisJerry Buss

The Buck Stops Here

Stud 8

A slightly controversial exit for Daniel Buckley, he was all in with trip nines on sixth street against Kyle Loman's aces. The latter thought his opponent had filled up already and the dealer mucked his hand after seventh card was dealt, only for Loman to see he'd made trip aces and now had the best hand.

The floor was called and several players at the table had agreed that they had seen Loman's trip aces and his hand was declared live. An unhappy situation for Daniel Buckley however, he was eliminated as a result.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Kyle Loman us
Kyle Loman
Profile photo of Daniel Buckley us
Daniel Buckley
Jaka Coaching

Tags: Daniel BuckleyKyle Loman

Livello: 14

Bui: /


Kessler Finds a Hand He Takes a Shine To

Livello 13

Omaha 8

It folded around to Allen Kessler on the button. He checked his cards, then raised, and both the blinds released.

"Kessler giving action," came the call from across the table. Kessler briefly flashed his cards, and we caught a glimpse of three of them -- the {A-Hearts}, the {A-Clubs}, and a {2-}.

"Every time you get a good hand, your forehead lights up," cracked Abe Mosseri. "I didn't check my cards until the action was on me!" insisted Kessler, who may or may not have still been beaming.

Kessler has just about 50,000 at the moment.

Tags: Abe MosseriAllen Kessler

Count Von Count's Counts. Seven! Seven bats! Ah...ah...ah

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
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