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2024 World Series of Poker

Giorni 2
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Giocatori Rimasti
Chip Stack Medio
Chips Totali
Prossimo Incremento Premio
Posizione 9
Informazioni livello
100,000 / 200,000
Informazioni Giocatori - Giorno 2
Giocatori Rimasti

Event #76: $10,000 Mystery Bounty No-Limit Hold'em (8-Handed)

Giorno 2 completo

Tauan Naves Leads Final Nine of Event #76: $10,000 Mystery Bounty No-Limit Hold'em (8-Handed)

Livello 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Tauan Naves
Tauan Naves

From 965 entrants, 236 players came back today to the Horseshoe and Paris, Las Vegas on Day 2 of Event #76 of the World Series of Poker, the $10,000 Mystery Bounty No-Limit Hold'em (8-Handed).

After a long day during which a few players discovered the joys of opening big mystery bounties, only nine players remain and have successfully qualified for Day 3. Among these players is Tauan Naves, who bagged the chip lead. He was still second in chips until the penultimate hand of the night, but he managed to hero-call with two pair after Damarjai Davenport moved all in on the river.

Thanks to this hand, Naves reached 16,300,000 chips, while Davenport ended the day with 10,000,000. Matthew Lambrecht takes third place with 9,900,000 chips.

Event #76: $10,000 Mystery Bounty No-Limit Hold'em (8-Handed) Final Table

SeatPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Damarjai DavenportUnited States10,000,00040
2Tauan NavesBrazil16,300,00065
3William JiaAustralia2,125,0009
4Simas KaraliunasLithuania6,875,00028
5Matthew LambrechtUnited States9,900,00040
6Vladimir MinkoRussian Federation7,475,00030
7Robert HeidornGermany1,975,0008
8Andrei KonopelkoBelarus1,775,0007
9Eshaan BhallaUnited States1,675,0007

Behind Vladimir Minko (7,475,000), Simas Karaliunas (6,875,000), and William Jia (2,125,000), Robert Heidorn has one of the shortest stack of the final table with 1,975,000, closely followed by Andrei Konopelko (1,775,000) and Eshaan Bhalla (1,675,000).

However, Heidorn was also the luckiest player of the day, as he opened more than 12 chests today, including a $100,000 and a $75,000 mystery bounty. Earlier in the day, Christopher Puetz then Bruno Lopes moments before the bubble also found $100,000 in a chest. The biggest prize belongs to Brazil's Felipe Ketzer, who opened the single gold chest worth $250,000.

Once he has secured this massive prize, Ketzer was eliminated outside of the money places.

Leon Sturm, Niall Farrell, Espen Jorstad, Stephen Song, Daniel Negreanu or Jennifer Harman also didn't make the money either.

Felipe Ketzer
Felipe Ketzer

Giuseppe Iadisernia was eventually eliminated on the bubble after his kings were cracked by Viktor Ustimov's sevens. Then players like Johnny Chan (133rd), Kristen Foxen (127th), Joey Weissman (124th), Isaac Haxton (120th), Maria Ho (102nd) and Chris Hunichen (99th) secured a minimum cash prize of $13,605, while Stephen Chidwick earned slightly more (75th, $15,265) as well as Dan Smith, who ran into aces in a three-way all-in and call situation (66th, $16,626).

After Nick Schulman (48th - $20,859), Justin Saliba (47th - $24,010), and Roberto Romanello (46th - $24,010) were eliminated, Erik Seidel (33rd - $28,132) missed the three-table redraw, where Shaun Deeb ran into Davenport's runner-runner flush to finish in 20th place for $40,684.

Matthew Lambrecht then scored a double elimination to reach the final two tables. But Julien Sitbon, on his birthday (14th - $50,186), and his Winamax teammate Adrian Mateos (11th - $62,942) didn't go further, as well as Christopher Brewer (12th - $50,186).

While Brewer lost to Minko's straight, Mateos ran his queens into Naves' kings and lost almost all his chips. He was sent to the rail moments later. Finally, Dan Shak lost a flip against Naves to finish the tournament in tenth place and left the nine remaining players to gather on the final table.

Adrian Mateos
Adrian Mateos

Action is set to resume at 1:00 p.m. local time on July 3 and will end when a winner is crowned. The players will resume play at Level 31 in the 125,000/250,000/250,000 blind level. They will play 40-minute levels with a 15-minute break after every three levels.

Remaining Payouts and Mystery Bounties

Bounty PrizeRemainingRemaining Total

Stay tuned into PokerNews for live coverage and updates throughout the day until we crown a champion. Also, don't miss the beginning of the much-awaited $10,000 WSOP Main Event World Championship, which starts tomorrow at noon local time with Day 1a!

Tags: Andrei KonopelkoChris HunichenChristopher PuetzDamarjai DavenportDan SmithDaniel NegreanuEshaan BhallaEspen JorstadFelipe KetzerGiuseppe IadiserniaIsaac HaxtonJennifer HarmanJoey WeissmanJohnny ChanKristen FoxenLeon SturmMaria HoMatthew LambrechtNiall FarrellRobert HeidornSimas KaraliunasStephen ChidwickStephen SongTauan NavesViktor UstimovVladimir MinkoWilliam Jia

Final Table Seat Draw

Livello 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
SeatPlayerCountryChipsBig Blinds
Horseshoe11Damarjai DavenportUnited States
Horseshoe12Tauan NavesBrazil
Horseshoe13William JiaUnited States
Horseshoe14Simas KaraliunasLithuania
Horseshoe15Matthew LambrechtUnited States
Horseshoe16Vladimir MinkoIreland
Horseshoe17Robert HeidornUnited Kingdom
Horseshoe18Andrei KonopelkoBelarus
Horseshoe19Eshaan BhallaUnited States

Lambrecht Wakes Up with Aces in Last Hand of the Night

Livello 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Matthew Lambrecht
Matthew Lambrecht

Simas Karaliunas raised to 450,000 from under the gun, Matthew Lambrecht flatted in early position, and Robert Heidorn three-bet shoved all in from middle position for 6,450,000. Karaliunas got out of the way and Lambrecht snap called for 4,475,000 total, putting himself at risk.

Matthew Lambrecht: AA All in
Robert Heidorn: AK

The board ran out 910279, and Lambrecht's pair of aces held to secure a big double up on the last hand of the night.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Matthew Lambrecht us
Matthew Lambrecht
Robert Heidorn de
Robert Heidorn

Tags: Matthew LambrechtRobert Heidorn

Naves Snatches Chip Lead in Penultimate Hand of the Night

Livello 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Tauan Naves
Tauan Naves

Damarjai Davenport limped in from the small blind and Tauan Naves checked his option from the big blind.

On the 576 flop, Davenport continued for 200,000, and Naves called.

The turn brought a K and Davenport checked it over to Naves, who fired 750,000. Davenport then check-raised to 2,425,000, and Naves slid forward calling chips.

When the J landed on the river, Davenport took his time before he shoved all in, which put Naves to the ultimate test for his remaining stack of 5,275,000. After thinking it through, Naves took one chip and placed it into the pot which signified a call.

Davenport quickly revealed 53 for bottom pair, but Naves flipped K5 for two pair to take over as the chip leader in the penultimate hand of the night.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Tauan Naves br
Tauan Naves
Day 2 Chip Leader
Damarjai Davenport us
Damarjai Davenport

Tags: Damarjai DavenportTauan Naves

Davenport Increases His Huge Chip Lead

Livello 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante

Vladimir Minko raised to 400,000 in the hijack, Andrei Konopelko flatted on the button, and Damarjai Davenport defended in the big blind.

The flop came 88A, Davenport checked, Minko checked and Konopelko bet 400,000. Davenport and Minko both called.

The turn brought the 9 and Davenport led out for 875,000. Minko got out of the way and Konopelko raised to 2,000,000. Davenport then moved all in, putting Konopelko at risk, who had about 1,800,000 behind.

Konopelko went into the tank before eventually tossing his cards into the muck. After the hand, Davenport let Konopelko choose a card to be shown. He chose the card on the left, and Davenport turned over the 9.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Damarjai Davenport us
Damarjai Davenport
Vladimir Minko ru
Vladimir Minko
Andrei Konopelko by
Andrei Konopelko

Tags: Andrei KonopelkoDamarjai DavenportVladimir Minko

Robert Heidorn Draws the Remaining Major Prizes

Livello 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Robert Heidorn
Robert Heidorn

While the 9 remaining players were taking their seats around the final table, Robert Heidorn chose to open his chests.

Out of the 12 bounties he had, he opened a $100,000 chest, a $75,000 chest, a $25,000 chest, and multiple other small bounties.

Remaining Mystery Bounties

Bounty PrizeRemainingRemaining Total

Tags: Robert Heidorn

Davenport Keeps the Pressure On

Livello 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante

Damarjai Davenport opened to 425,000 from early position and Andrei Konopelko called out of the big blind.

On the J36 flop, Konopelko check-called a small continuation bet from Davenport.

The turn brought a 9 and after Konopelko checked, Davenport sized up to 1,225,000. Konopelko folded.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Damarjai Davenport us
Damarjai Davenport
Andrei Konopelko by
Andrei Konopelko

Tags: Andrei KonopelkoDamarjai Davenport