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2024 World Series of Poker

Giorni 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Giocatori Rimasti
Chip Stack Medio
Chips Totali
Prossimo Incremento Premio
Posizione 6
Informazioni livello
40,000 / 80,000
Informazioni Giocatori - Giorno 3
Giocatori Rimasti

Event #71: $1,000 Ladies No-Limit Hold'em Championship

Giorno 3 completo

Jamie Kerstetter At the Top With Six Players Remaining

Livello 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Jamie Kerstetter
Jamie Kerstetter

Day 3 of Event #71: $1,000 Ladies No-Limit Hold'em Championship saw 32 players return, scheduled to play down to six. When play surprisingly wrapped up less than two minutes after the dinner break, it was Jamie Kerstetter who stood at the top, closely followed by last year’s runner-up Shiina Okamoto.

End of Day 3 Chip Counts in Event #67: $1,000 Ladies Championship

RankPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Jamie KerstetterUnited States9,330,000117
2Shiina OkamotoJapan8,640,000108
3Linda DurdenUnited States3,110,50039
4Mor KamberIsrael1,755,00022
5Cecile TicherfatineFrance1,100,00014
6Ceci LiaoUnited States970,00012

Kerstetter is known as an all-around poker talent. She is a player with $837,207 in tournament winnings, a witty commentator and a two-time Global Poker Award winner, having been named Best Twitter Personality in 2020 and 2021. She started the day with the sixth biggest stack and was able to run and play well, eliminating multiple players on the way to her chip lead.

Okamoto, who was chip leader coming into Day 3, has also played a great tournament so far and is still in with a good chance to improve her last year’s score and win her first bracelet. Okamoto has $297,721 in live tournament winnings, with the biggest share of it coming from the $118,768 prize she won for her second place in the Ladies event last year. She is second with 8,640,000 chips.

Shiina Okamoto
Shiina Okamoto

Kerstetter and Okamoto are way ahead of the field, both deep with over 100 big blinds. Third in chips is Linda Durden with around 39 big blinds. Durden has had a rollercoaster of a day, coming in with a medium stack, at one point taking a big pot from Cecile Ticherfatine and then soon after losing an even bigger one to Kerstetter to get down to 12 big blinds. She was then able to double up through Cherish Andrews to pick things up again and ended the day in the middle of the pack.

Also remaining in the battle for the $171,732 first prize and their first-ever WSOP bracelet is Mor Kamber with 1,755,000 chips. Kamber has $106,800 in career tournament winnings and is already guaranteed to surpass her biggest tournament win so far, which was just shy of $32,000.

Cecile Ticherfatine, who came into the day second in chips, also made it through the day with around 14 big blinds. Ticherfatine has $544,049 in live tournament winnings, including a WSOP International Circuit event win from Dakar in 2023 for $65,372.

Ceci Liao was not among the biggest stacks coming into Day 3, but was able to catch a good run in the middle of the day. After being down to as little as ten big blinds, she was able to chip back up, including by eliminating Nancy Nguyen and, soon after, Ting Ho. However, at the end of the day she is bringing up the rear as the short stack with 12 big blinds.

Among notable players who made it to Day 3, but did not make the final cut, were known chess and poker player Jen Shahade, vlogger and poker pro Marle Spragg and pros Nadya Magnus and Cherish Andrews.

Play will resume tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. local time at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas with blinds at 40,000/80,000 and a 80,000 ante. The battle of the final six down to a winner will be live-streamed with an expected 60 minute delay.

Tags: Ceci LiaoCecile TicherfatineCherish AndrewsJamie KerstetterJen ShahadeLinda DurdenMarle SpraggMor KamberNadya MagnusNancy NguyenShiina OkamotoTing Ho

Susan Bluer Eliminated in 7th Place ($24,090)

Livello 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Susan Bluer
Susan Bluer

The ladies arrived back from dinner break and it folded to Susan Bluer in the small blind and she contemplated for a moment and moved all in for 720,000 and Shiina Okamoto called from the big blind. Bluer played a solid game and patiently waited for the right moments throughout the day and on this one she just got unlucky on the river.

Susan Bluer: 66 All in
Shiina Okamoto: KQ

The board looked safe for Bluer until the river when it ran out with 375JK and Okamoto is heading into Day 4 second in chips.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Shiina Okamoto jp
Shiina Okamoto
Day 2 Chip Leader
Susan Bluer us
Susan Bluer

Tags: Shiina OkamotoSusan Bluer

Livello: 27

Bui: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 80,000

2024 WSOP $25K Fantasy Hands of the Week: Two Royal Flushes, Negreanu's Quads & Brutal Rivers

Livello 26 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

The $25K Fantasy league rolls on, and as of June 19, Team The Dinkers (Josh Kay) is still on top with 899 points, which is a good bit ahead of both Team Sternheimer (765 points) and Team Baker (673 points). Of the 19 teams, Team Chingas is on the bottom with 213 points. Check out to see the current standings.

PokerNews has been tracking $25K Fantasy players in our live updates and has even made it simple to follow the action by tagging all players with a $25K Fantasy badge. That allows you to utilize our chip count filter option to follow only those players (just tick the $25K Fantasy badge); what’s more, each blog will have a “$25K Fantasy” tab that if you click all you will see are hands played by $25K Fantasy players.

As a result, we can capture some of the biggest, best, and most game-changing hands involving the $25K Fantasy roster. Here are five from the last week of action in the 2024 WSOP.

Click here to see the big $25K Fantasy hands!

Haruna Fujita Eliminated in 8th Place ($18,390)

Livello 26 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Haruna Fujita
Haruna Fujita

Players folded all the way to Haruna Fujita in the small blind, who raised to 130,000. Jamie Kerstetter was the big blind and three-bet to around 950,000. Haruna Fujita raised all in for just a bit more and Kerstetter called.

Haruna Fujita: 33All in
Jamie Kerstetter: A6

Kerstetter's rungood today continued as she was able to flop a pair of sixes on 26Q.

The turn was the 10. The always cheerful Fujita and her rail called for a three on the river, but it was the 9 and her deep run in the tournament was over.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Jamie Kerstetter us
Jamie Kerstetter
Day 3 Chip Leader
Haruna Fujita jp
Haruna Fujita

Tags: Haruna FujitaJamie Kerstetter

Okamoto Chips Away at Kamber

Livello 26 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Shiina Okamoto raised from under the gun to 120,000 and got a call from Mor Kamber who was sitting to her direct left in an early position.

The players saw a QK8 flop and Okamoto continuation-bet for 120,000. Kamber made another call and the players saw a 5 turn.

Okamoto raised to 175,000 and Kamber folded, handing over some chips to Okamoto.

A few hands later, Okamoto limped from the small blind and Kamber raised to around 230,000. Okamoto three-bet to 430,000 and Kamber folded.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Shiina Okamoto jp
Shiina Okamoto
Day 2 Chip Leader
Mor Kamber il
Mor Kamber

Tags: Mor KamberShiina Okamoto