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2024 World Series of Poker

Giorni 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
2,000,000 / 4,000,000
Informazioni Giocatori - Giorno 3
Giocatori Rimasti

Petychakis Back in the Lead

Livello 43 : Blinds 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante

Stavros Petychakis three bet to 18,000,000 and called off the covering all in from Ben Collins.

Stavros Petychakis: 99 All in
Ben Collins: A7

It was a crucial hold for Petychakis when the board ran out J6263, as his nines held.

Collins stood up and pushed many stacks towards Petychakis, perhaps thinking of the last time he had ace-seven.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Stavros Petychakis gr
Stavros Petychakis
Ben Collins gb
Ben Collins
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben CollinsStavros Petychakis

Petychakis Clawing Back

Livello 43 : Blinds 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante

Ben Collins raised to 6,000,000 from the button. Stavros Petychakis then three-bet to 18,000,000 from this big blind and Collins made the call.

Petychakis led out for 10,000,000 on a A104 flop. Collins made the fold after some deliberation. Petychakis has been trying his best to get this heads up match on an equal playing field but he will need to acquire some more chips from Collins to do so.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Ben Collins gb
Ben Collins
WSOP 1X Winner
Stavros Petychakis gr
Stavros Petychakis

Tags: Ben CollinsStavros Petychakis

WSOP History: David Sklansky Looks to Sell Rare 1982 WSOP Gold Watches to Pawn Stars

Livello 43 : Blinds 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
David Sklansky

Earlier this year on an ordinary Monday afternoon, a bespectacled man walked into the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop on Las Vegas Blvd. Tucked under his arm was an uninteresting box that only he knew contained something rather interesting – a pair of gold watches dating back more than 40 years.

These were not your run-of-the-mill wristwear, but rather evidence of a unique and often overlooked time of poker history, a year when the World Series of Poker (WSOP) gold bracelet, now the game’s highest accolade, was replaced in favor of watches.

1982 WSOP watches
1982 WSOP watches

The man holding the box was David Sklansky, who in 1978 forever changed poker by advocating a mathematical approach to the game in his groundbreaking book The Theory of Poker. Nicknamed “The Mathematician,” he proved his prowess just four years later when he won two WSOP tournaments in five days.

First, he won the 1982 WSOP Event #7: $800 Mixed Doubles Limit Seven Card Stud, a tournament that paired one man with one woman, alongside Dani Kelly, and followed that up by taking down Event #12: $1,000 Limit 5-Card Draw High. A year later, the Binions reverted back to the beloved bracelets players know today, and Sklansky captured his third piece of WSOP hardware by winning Event #11: $1,000 Limit Omaha.

It was a remarkable accomplishment, and for more than four decades he’s kept safe the evidence of his victories, both of which still worked. So, why was Sklansky carrying his 1982 WSOP gold watches, two of only 15 ever awarded, into a pawn shop? Well, he was looking to sell them of course, but not to just any of the dozens of pawn shops spread across Las Vegas. Oh no, he was walking into arguably the most famous pawn shop in the world, the home to the wildly popular television show Pawn Stars, and he was there to do it with cameras rolling.

Read all about the 1982 WSOP watches here in our feature article!

Livello: 43

Bui: 1,500,000/3,000,000

Ante: 3,000,000

Break Time

Livello 42 : Blinds 1,200,000/2,500,000, 2,500,000 ante

Only two remain in the hunt for the gold bracelet and they've gone on a quick 15-minute break.

Two Pair is Good For Collins

Livello 42 : Blinds 1,200,000/2,500,000, 2,500,000 ante
Ben Collins
Ben Collins

Ben Collins raised to 5,000,000 from the button and was called by Stavros Petychakis in the big blind.

Action checked through on a 465 flop.

The turn was the K, Petychakis checked, Collins bet 8,000,000 and Petychakis called.

The river was the 2, Petychakis checked once again. Collins decided to wager 24,000,000, after some deliberation Petychakis made the call. Collins tabled K6 and Petychakis quickly mucked his hand

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Ben Collins gb
Ben Collins
WSOP 1X Winner
Stavros Petychakis gr
Stavros Petychakis

Tags: Ben CollinsStavros Petychakis

Two Pair vs Two Pair; Chip Lead Changes

Livello 42 : Blinds 1,200,000/2,500,000, 2,500,000 ante
Stavros Petychakis
Stavros Petychakis

Stavros Petychakis bet 3,500,000 on a flop of 78A and was faced by a raise to 15,000,000 from Ben Collins. Petychakis called.

The turn peeled the 2 and Collins bet 18,000,000 and was called again.

When the 9 came off the deck, Collins went all in and was beat in the pot by Petychakis.

Stavros Petychakis: A9All in
Ben Collins: 87

Petychakis had a higher two pair and he raked in the pot and took over the lead.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Stavros Petychakis gr
Stavros Petychakis
Ben Collins gb
Ben Collins
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben CollinsStavros Petychakis

Tolga Gesli Eliminated in 3rd Place ($102,360)

Livello 42 : 1,200,000/2,500,000, 2,500,000 ante
Tolga Gesli
Tolga Gesli

Ben Collins raised to 4,500,000 from the button. Tolga Gesli then three-bet from the small blind to 12,000,000. Collins decided to go all in. Gesli quickly called and was at risk.

Tolga Gesli: KK All in
Ben Collins: 77

Gesli had a lock on the hand as the dealer fanned a A9J flop. An icey cold 7 on the turn quickly changed things as Gesli couldn't believe what he just saw. The 5 river card ended an impressive run for Gesli in Event #67. We can only hope he will use some of his new found wealth to celebrate his birthday in style.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Ben Collins gb
Ben Collins
WSOP 1X Winner
Tolga Gesli us
Tolga Gesli

Tags: Ben CollinsTolga Gesli

Stacks Are Evening Out; Gesli Wins One

Livello 42 : 1,200,000/2,500,000, 2,500,000 ante
Tolga Gesli
Tolga Gesli

Heads up to a flop of 845 and Stavros Petychakis check-called a bet of 2,000,000 from Tolga Gesli.

The turn snapped off the 7 and Petychakis took the initiative with a bet of 2,800,000. Gesli called.

The river completed with the A and Petychakis checked. After seeing how much he had behind, Gesli bet 11,000,000.

After some time, Petychakis folded and Gesli said, "I had the eight..."

Petychakis responded by saying, "I was more curious if you had the six..."

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Ben Collins gb
Ben Collins
WSOP 1X Winner
Tolga Gesli us
Tolga Gesli
Stavros Petychakis gr
Stavros Petychakis

Tags: Tolga GesliStavros Petychakis

Livello: 42

Bui: 1,200,000/2,500,000

Ante: 2,500,000