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Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli 18+

2024 World Series of Poker

Mitchell Back in the Game

Livello 37 : Blinds 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante
Brandon Mitchell
Brandon Mitchell

Brandon Mitchell jammed for 6,500,000 on the button and Juan Vecino called in the big blind.

Brandon Mitchell: KJ All in
Juan Vecino: A8

The K106 flop paired Mitchell's king as he called for 'no ace'. The dealer completed the board with the 5 turn and the 2 river.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Juan Vecino es
Juan Vecino
Brandon Mitchell us
Brandon Mitchell

Tags: Brandon MitchellJuan Vecino