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2024 World Series of Poker

Boi Shows a Five

Livello 34 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante

Paolo Boi opened 600,000 on the button and Noel Rodriguez shuffled his chips for about 45 seconds from the big blind as he stared at Boi. Eventually, he put in a three-bet to 2,150,000, and Boi responded with an all-in.

Rodriguez snap-mucked and Boi tabled the 5 before mucking his other card.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Noel Rodriguez us
Noel Rodriguez
Day 3 Chip Leader
Paolo Boi it
Paolo Boi
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Noel RodriguezPaolo Boi