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2024 World Series of Poker

Event #48: $1,000 Pot-Limit Omaha (8-Handed)
Giorni 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
125,000 / 250,000
Informazioni Giocatori - Giorno 3
Giocatori Rimasti

Livello: 30

Bui: 80,000/160,000

Ante: 160,000

Vitch Gets Closer

Livello 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

David Prociak opened to 400,000 from under the gun and Christopher Vitch made the call in the small blind.

Both players checked through the 865 flop before Vitch led out for 375,000 on the A turn. Prociak called to see the 2 river, where Vitch counted out another bet of 1,100,000.

Prociak took some time before tossing in the call. Vitch showed AJ108 for two pair, taking down the pot and getting closer to the chip lead as Prociak mucked.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of David Prociak us
David Prociak
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Christopher Vitch us
Christopher Vitch
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Christopher VitchDavid Prociak

Harwood Doubles

Livello 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Jay Harwood
Jay Harwood

Jay Harwood opened 420,000 under the gun and Joe Firova called in the small blind before David Prociak put in the maximum raise from the big blind. Harwood called off his stack of 605,000 and Firova mucked his hand.

Jay Harwood: AK53 All in
David Prociak: A765

The Q878A runout gave Harwood a flush to score the double.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of David Prociak us
David Prociak
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Christopher Vitch us
Christopher Vitch
WSOP 3X Winner
Profile photo of Thomas Taylor ca
Thomas Taylor
Profile photo of Joe Firova us
Joe Firova
Profile photo of Jay Harwood gb
Jay Harwood
Profile photo of Ioannis Angelou Konstas gr
Ioannis Angelou Konstas

Tags: David ProciakJay HarwoodJoe Firova

Kharlin Sued Eliminated in 7th Place ($38,877)

Livello 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Kharlin Sued
Kharlin Sued

David Prociak limped in early position, with Thomas Taylor doing the same in the cutoff. Kharlin Sued then raised to 600,000 from the small blind and Christopher Vitch called on his left in the big blind.

Prociak tossed in the call while Taylor folded, and the dealer fanned out the K55 flop. Sued moved all in for his last 220,000, with both Vitch and Prociak making the call.

Vitch checked the 6 turn, sliding out a call after Prociak bet 700,000. Vitch then led out on the 7 river for 1,500,000 and was quickly called by Prociak. All three hands were then turned up.

Kharlin Sued: AA22 All in
Christopher Vitch: 7654
David Prociak: K766

Vitch revealed fives full of sixes, but it was no good as Prociak made sixes full of fives. Both hands had Sued's aces beat, ending his run in seventh place.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of David Prociak us
David Prociak
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Christopher Vitch us
Christopher Vitch
WSOP 3X Winner
Profile photo of Thomas Taylor ca
Thomas Taylor
Profile photo of Kharlin Sued us
Kharlin Sued

Tags: Christopher VitchDavid ProciakKharlin Sued

Konstas Flops Quads to Double

Livello 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Ioannis Angelou Konstas
Ioannis Angelou Konstas

David Prociak opened to 400,000 from the cutoff and made the quick call when Ioannis Angelou Konstas moved all in for 795,000 in the big blind.

Ioannis Angelou Konstas: AA103 All in
David Prociak: Q976

Konstas was in great shape to begin the hand, improving to quads on the AA42J runout to earn the double-up through the chip leader.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of David Prociak us
David Prociak
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Ioannis Angelou Konstas gr
Ioannis Angelou Konstas

Tags: David ProciakIoannis Angelou Konstas

More for Vitch

Livello 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Ioannis Angelou Konstas opened 420,000 under the gun and Christopher Vitch asked how much Konstas had behind. After Konstas let him know it was 1,200,000, he made the call.

The Q53 flop hit the felt and Konstas continued for 285,000. Vitch called.

The 7 fell on the turn and Konstas slowed down with a check. Vitch took about 30 seconds before announcing all in. Konstas snap-mucked.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Christopher Vitch us
Christopher Vitch
WSOP 3X Winner
Profile photo of Ioannis Angelou Konstas gr
Ioannis Angelou Konstas

Tags: Christopher VitchIoannis Angelou Konstas

Vitch Shows a Full House

Livello 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Christopher Vitch opened 300,000 on the button and David Prociak defended the big blind.

The dealer spread a flop of A88 and Prociak check-called a bet of 200,000.

When the A hit the turn, Prociak checked and Vitch fired 425,000. Prociak wasted no time pitching his cards into the muck.

"I had nothing," Joked Vitch as he tabled A8 for a full house.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of David Prociak us
David Prociak
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Christopher Vitch us
Christopher Vitch
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: David ProciakChristopher Vitch

Chip Leaders Tangle

Livello 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Christopher Vitch
Christopher Vitch

After David Prociak and Christopher Vitch had taken down the previous three pots with open-raises, the two squared off for the first time today when Prociak raised to 300,000 in early position and Vitch called in the big blind.

The J53 flop saw both players check, with Vitch checking again on the 9 turn. Prociak fired a bet of 300,000 and Vitch made the call.

Both players tapped the table again after seeing the A river, with Vitch showing AJ42 for a straight to take down the pot.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of David Prociak us
David Prociak
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Christopher Vitch us
Christopher Vitch
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Christopher VitchDavid Prociak

Christopher Frank Eliminated in 8th Place ($29,740)

Livello 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Christopher Frank
Christopher Frank

Thomas Taylor opened 240,000 under the gun and the action folded around to Christopher Frank in the small blind as he called off his 240,000 to be all in, and Jay Harwood made the call from the big blind.

The dealer spread a flop of AK6 and Harwood quickly check-folded to a bet from Taylor.

Christopher Frank: 10984 All in
Thomas Taylor: AKQQ

The 7 turn gave Frank a wrap straight draw but the J river was no help as he headed to the payout desk.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Thomas Taylor ca
Thomas Taylor
Profile photo of Jay Harwood gb
Jay Harwood
Profile photo of Christopher Frank de
Christopher Frank
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Christopher FrankJay HarwoodThomas Taylor

Prociak Makes Aces Full to Leave Frank Short

Livello 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
David Prociak
David Prociak

David Prociak opened 360,000 in the small blind and Christopher Frank defended the big blind.

When the AKQ flop hit the felt, Prociak continued for 300,000 and Frank called.

Both players checked the J turn and the Q paired the board on the river.

Prociak announced a pot-sized bet of 1,440,000 and Frank sigh-called as he asked, "Do you have anything?"

Frank quickly flashed his hand but mucked it as he saw Prociak's aces full as he tabled AA92.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of David Prociak us
David Prociak
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Christopher Frank de
Christopher Frank
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Christopher FrankDavid Prociak