Davalos Pips Opponent in Big Confrontation
Victor Davalos raised to 2,000 from middle position and got called by a player to his direct left. Action folded to the small blind who came in for a three-bet to 8,500.
Both Davalos and the player in late position called to see a 2♣4♦Q♠ flop. The small blind continued with a bet of 8,000.
Davalos spent about a minute and a half in the tank before calling. The late position player folded taking the remaining two players to the 6♠ turn card.
The small blind checked and Davalos thought for a moment before tossing out a bet of 16,000. The small blind put in the call and both players headed to the A♣ river.
Action checked through and Davalos showed the J♠J♦ which was just a pip better than his opponent's 10♦10♥, winning him what had turned into quite a big pot.
Giocatore | Chip | Avanzamento |
115,400 |