As we wandered over to Kristopher Cunz's table, we found him calling two all-ins with . It wasn't all that bad news for him when Georgios Kapalas flipped up the same hand -- -- but they were both in trouble against Robert Perillo's .
However, the flop came down to put Cunz and Kapalas in the lead. The turn and river ran out , and with Perillio the shortest of the three stacks, he was eliminated while Cunz and Kapalas chopped the pot.
Joshua Mancuso returned from his dinner break and looked down to find in the hole. An opponent acting in front of him pushed his stack of 21,000 forward for an all-in move and Mancuso made the quick call. The at risk player tabled and found himself dominated.
After the final board rolled out and Mancuso's ace-king high was good enough to claim the pot.
A player opened to 5,300 from the cutoff and James Kerr cut out a raise to 15,000 and change and slid it into the middle from the small. The player in the big blind folded and so did the original raiser - flashing an before doing so.
After a series of raises and reraises before the flop, Nail Aliyev sprung his trap and got his opponent to commit his remaining 44,600. His opponent showed down confidently but Aliyev revealed for a commanding lead.
The dealer spread a final board of and Aliyev claimed the huge pot with his pocket rockets.
The action folded around to Tad Jurgens who raised to 5,000 before the flop; the player in the big blind called, then led out for 15,000 after the flop of . Jurgens raised to 40,000 and the big blind called before checking his option on the turn of the .
Jurgens shoved for 70,000 and the big blind snap-called.
Big Blind:
The blanked out on the river and as a result, Jurgens is now up to 230,000 with only minutes to go before the break!