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2011 World Series of Poker

Event #22: $1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha
Giorni 1
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
30,000 / 60,000

Event #22: $1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha

Giorno 1 iniziato

$1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha Kicks Off Today!

2011 WSOP Bracelets
2011 WSOP Bracelets

We're minutes away from starting Event #22: $1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha. This will be a triple chance event where players begin with 1,500 in starting chips but are offered two 1,500 add-on's that they will be able to take at any time. This will add an exciting bit of strategy early on, as some players will choose to take their add-on's immediately to have a bigger stack, while others will use their add-on's as insurance if they lose a big hand that would have normally sent them to the rail.

Last year, this event received 885 entrants for a prize pool totaling $1,194,750. The gold bracelet and $256,919 was awarded to Tex Barch, also known for his third-place finish in the 2005 World Series of Poker Main Event. Barch defeated a final table where bracelet winners Nenad Medic and Blair Rodman were present.

Play begins at 12 PM PT so stay tuned for all of the most up-to-date coverage! Be sure to check out our June 13th update from the dazzling poker ninja herself, Kristy Arnett.

Livello: 1

Bui: 25/25

Ante: 0

Negreanu Quickly Gone

Livello 1 : 25/25, 0 ante

Daniel Negreanu has come and gone within the first 15 minutes of this event. Earlier, Negreanu tweeted the following:

@RealKidPoker: Playing 3 events today: 1500 PLO noon, Day 2 10k Stud, 3pm, 2500 8 Game 5pm, then noon tmr is 5k NLH shootout. Hectic schedule coming.

Our guess is that Negreanu came in trying to run up a stack or bust seeing as he'll be returning for Event #21: $10,000 Seven Card Stud Championship at 3:00 PM. Oftentimes in these events, pros will do that as they're just trying to play as many events as possible. Running up a large stack early is much better for them than grinding multiple events at once with smaller stacks, or so they feel.

Tags: Daniel Negreanu

Leif Loses Some

Livello 1 : 25/25, 0 ante

The action folded around to the player on the button who raised the action to 75. Leif Force called from the big blind and both players saw a flop of {5-Hearts}{K-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}. Force checked to his opponent who fired out a bet of 175. Force decided to check-raise to 500 and his opponent made the call. The {5-Spades} hit the turn and Force bet pot. His opponent moved all in and Force made the call.

Force: {3-Hearts}{A-Hearts}{K-Spades}{7-Clubs}
Opponent: {A-Diamonds}{A-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}{3-Spades}

Force's opponent was out in the lead with his pair of aces in the hole, and Force failed to improve when the {Q-Spades} hit the river. This hand brings Force to about 4,900 in chips, which is still above starting stack.

Tags: Leif Force

Obrestad Chipping Up Early

Livello 1 : 25/25, 0 ante

Annette Obrestad and two other players saw a flop of {6-Spades}{5-Hearts}{4-Clubs}. Obrestad fired out a bet of 150. The player on the button tossed out 250 chips and the dealer informed him that that was less than the minimum amount to raise. The player completed his raise and casually said "I wasn't even trying to raise but I guess I will". The third player folded and Obrestad made the call.

The turn came the {Q-Diamonds} and Obrestad checked. Her opponent bet 600 and she made the call. Then {10-Clubs} fell on the turn and the action went check-check. Obrestad turned over {7-Spades}{7-Clubs}{4-Spades}{3-Spades} for a flopped straight and her opponent mucked his cards saying "Yeah, that's good. I've got three pair".

Obrestad is up to around 11,500 in chips.

Tags: Annette Obrestad

Serock vs. Senti

Livello 1 : 25/25, 0 ante

On the flop of {K-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}, 2010 World Series of Poker November Niner Jason Senti fired 125. His opponent was Joe Serock and he made the call to see the {8-Clubs} land on the turn. Senti kept his foot on the gas and fired 325. Serock pressed a little harder and fired in a raise to 900. Senti called.

The {9-Clubs} completed the board on the river and Senti checked. Serock checked behind and showed the {A-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}. for a ten-high straight. Senti flashed the {K-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{6-Hearts} from his hand and said, "You didn't have a lot of outs," to which both him and Serock laughed.

Senti dropped to 3,700 and Serock increased to 7,100.

Tags: Joe SerockJason Senti

Obrestad Climbing Early

Livello 1 : 25/25, 0 ante

2007 World Series of Poker Europe Main Event champion Annette Obrestad was faced with a bet of 200 on the {Q-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{5-Clubs} flop. She made the call and the turn brought the {5-Hearts} to pair the board. Obrestad's opponent checked and Obrestad bet 450. Her opponent made the call.

The {K-Spades} landed on the river and the first player checked. Obrestad fired 1,200 and her opponent folded. She's now up to 12,500 in chips.

Tags: Annette Obrestad

Morgan Triples with Big Draw

Livello 1 : 25/25, 0 ante

Jordan Morgan bet 500 on the {A-Spades}{10-Hearts}{4-Hearts} flop before the next player raised to 1,275. The third player in the hand made it 2,000 to go and then Morgan moved all in for a little over 2,000. The second player also went all in and the third player called.

Morgan: {K-Spades}{Q-Hearts}{J-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}
Opponent 1: {A-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{6-Spades}{3-Clubs}
Opponent 2: {A-Diamonds}{J-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}

Morgan held a combo draw while the second player held aces and tens and the third player aces and fours. The turn brought the {Q-Diamonds} to give Morgan a Broadway straight. The river was the {7-Clubs}. Morgan tripled up to 10,200 in chips thanks to his big draw coming in.

Tags: Jordan Morgan

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