Aaron Steury Channels Kreskin, Makes Psychic-Like Call

After Aaron Steury limped in on the small blind, Adam Friedman raised to 100,000 holding the button, Steury responded with a three-bet, making it 150,000 to go before the flop. Friedman came along and the dealer spread the across the table.
Steury led out for 50,000 on the flop and Friedman came along.
Turn: .
Steury again led out, this time for the big bet of 100,000 and again Friedman made the call.
Steury slowed down and checked to Friedman, who fired a final bullet of 100,000 into the middle. Steury stared his man down for thirty seconds or so and apparently picked up a tell, because he made the call and waited for Friedman to table his hand. When Friedman obliged, he could only produce the for a busted drawing hand.
Steury then calmly showed down the for his own missed straight draw and just queen-high. Friedman, along with the railbirds, were stunned to see Steury's holding and this amazing read gave him an unlikely win.