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Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli 18+

2008 World Series of Poker

Event 7 - $2,000 No Limit Hold'em
Giorni 3
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Giocatori Rimasti
Informazioni livello
25,000 / 50,000

Hand #68 - Shannon Shorr

Matt Keikoan sul button in seat 1. Carter Gill calls. Matt Keikoan folds e Theo Tran copre lo small blind. Shannon Shorr fa raise a 129,000. Gill e Tran passano e Shannon Shorr vince.

Hand #67 - Matt Keikoan

Carter Gill sul button in seat 4 e limps nel pot. i blinds seguono.

flop{K-Hearts} {6-Hearts} {6-Spades}. check-check-check.

turn {4-Clubs}. Keikoan checks e Tran bets 50,000. Gill calls e anche Keikoan.

river {J-Hearts} . Keikoan bets 150,000 e Tran call. Gill folds, e Keikoan gira {A-Hearts} {9-Hearts} per il nut flush. Tran mucks e Matt Keikoan vince il pot.

Hand #66 - Shannon Shorr

Four Handed
Four Handed
Shannon Shorr sul button in seat 3 e fa calls. Carter Gill calls dallo small blind e Matt Keikoan checks il big blind option. flop {J-Clubs} {J-Hearts} {6-Spades}. Gill e Keikoan check-check e Shorr bets 40,000. Gill calls e Keikoan calls. turn {10-Spades}. Gill ha fatto check al buoi e Shorr lo segue. river {8-Spades} check-check. Gill gira {A-Spades} {9-Spades} e Shorr mostra {4-?} {4-?}. Shannon Shorr vince.

Hand #64 - Carter Gill

Matt Keikoan sul button in seat 1. Carter Gill raises a 50,000. Tran calls dallo small blind e Shannon Shorr calls dal big blind. flop {9-Hearts} {J-Diamonds} {5-Diamonds} . Tran checks. Shorr punta 105,000 e Carter raises a 275,000. Tran folds e Shorr folds . Carter Gill vince.

Hand #61 - Carter Gill

Theo Tran sul button in seat 2. Matt Keikoan raises a 60,000. Theo Tran calls sul button. Shannon Shorr folds dallo small blind e Carter Gill calls dal big blind. flop di {A-Spades} {J-Spades} {2-Clubs}. Gill checks, e Kiekoan bets 140,000. Tran folds, e Gill call.

turn {7-Diamonds}. check-check.

River {5-Clubs} check-check. Carter Gill gira {A-?} {6-?} e Keikoan mucks. Carter Gill vince.