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2008 World Series of Poker

Event 45 - $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. World Championship
Giorni 5
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Giocatori Rimasti
Informazioni livello
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Hand #105 - Scotty Nguyen


Scotty Nguyen: (X) (X) {2-Spades} {7-Diamonds} {K-Diamonds}
Matt Glantz: (X) (X) {9-Diamonds} {4-Hearts} {2-Clubs}
Erick Lindgren: (X) (X) {10-Diamonds} {8-Clubs}

Scotty Nguyen bring in e Erick Lindgren completa. Matt Glantz call e Scotty Nguyen raised. Lindgren e Glantz chiamano. Lindgren e Glantz check alla 4th street e Nguyen punta. Lindgren passa, Glantz chiama. Nguyen punta la 5th street e Glantz passa.

Hand #100 - Matt Glantz


Erick Lindgren: (X) (X) {4-Hearts} {3-Diamonds}
Matt Glantz: ({A-Spades}) ({A-Clubs}) ({Q-Clubs}) {K-Clubs} {K-Spades} {5-Spades} {9-Spades}
Scotty Nguyen: (X) (X) {9-Diamonds} {6-Diamonds}
Michael DeMichele: (X) (X) {7-Hearts} {6-Hearts} {4-Clubs} {10-Spades} (X)

Lindgren bring in e Glantz, Nguyen e DeMichele call. Glantz punta la 4th street e solo DeMichele chiama. Glantz punta la 5th e 6th streets e DeMichele call. Check-check al t river e Glantz mostra ({A-Spades}) ({A-Clubs}) ({Q-Clubs}), DeMichele muck.

Lyle Berman Eliminato al quinto posto ($444,000)

Lyle Berman - 5th Place
Lyle Berman - 5th Place
Hand #96 - Michael DeMichele


Lyle Berman: (X) (X) {7-?} {3-?} {9-?} {10-?} (X)
Scotty Nguyen: (X) (X) {7-?} {A-?} {A-?} {J-?} (X)
Michael DeMichele: ({9-?}) ({7-?}) ({2-?}) {3-?} {4-?} {5-?} {8-?}

Matt Glantz bring in con {K-?}. Lyle Berman completa e Scotty Nguyen call. Michael DeMichele raised e Lyle Berman reraised. Scotty Nguyen rilancia ancora e DeMichele chiama. Berman call in all in e Nguyen call. Berman è all in per il piatto principale e Nguyen e DeMichele 120,000 al secondario.

DeMichele punta 4th, 5th, e 6th streets e Nguyen call. Check-check alla 7th street DeMichele gira {8-?} {7-?} {5-?} {4-?} {3-?} low. Scotty e Lyle muck. DeMichele prende tutto e elimina Lyle Berman.

Tags: Lyle BermanScotty NguyenMichael DeMichele

Hand #95 - Scotty Nguyen


Scotty Nguyen (X-X) {A-?} {2-?} {3-?}

Michael DeMichele (X-X) {6-?} {7-?} {J-?}

Matt Glantz bring-in con {K-?}, Scotty Nguyen completa, Michael DeMichele raise, Glantz fold e Nguyen chiama. Alla fourth Nguyen check, DeMichele punta, Nguyen raised e DeMichele call. Nguyen punta alla fifth street, DeMichele passa e Nguyen vince il piatto.

Hand #91 - Erick Lindgren


Matt Glantz (X-X) {Q-?} {A-?} {K-?}

Erick Lindgren (X-X) {7-?} {8-?} {9-?}

Glantz brought it in, Lindgren completa e Glantz call. Lindgren punta la fourth street e Glantz call, Glantz passa alla fifth su una puntata di Lindgren.