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2023 Merit Poker Gangster Series

$2,200 Warm Up
Giorni 3
Event Info

2023 Merit Poker Gangster Series

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
250,000 / 500,000
Informazioni Giocatori - Giorno 3
Giocatori Rimasti

Brutal Set Over Set to Burst the Bubble

Livello 19 : Blinds 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
Giorgiy Skhuluhiya
Giorgiy Skhuluhiya

Oleg Netaliev opened under the gun to 35,000 before getting called by Giorgiy Skhulukhiya in middle position, by the cutoff, and by Rachid Yaacoubi in the big blind.

The 26K flop landed and action checked to Netaliev who continued for 35,000. Skhulukhiya called, the cutoff called, and then Yaacoubi check-raise jammed for 115,000.

Netaliev tanked for a minute and then called before Skhulukhiya also called and the cutoff folded.

The players were heads up to a 4 turn and Netaliev slowed down with a check. Skhulukhiya tanked and then put in a large bet of 215,000. Netaliev thought it over but eventually found a fold. The cards hit their backs and the cooler was real.

Rachid Yaacoubi: 22
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya: 66

It was set over set for a massive cooler and Yaacoubi would only have one out going to the river. That card would not come as the dealer put the 8 out to finish the board. Yaacoubi hit the rail on the stone bubble after a brutal cooler.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Oleg Netaliev ru
Oleg Netaliev
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya ge
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya
Rachid Yaacoubi fr
Rachid Yaacoubi

Tags: Giorgiy SkhulukhiyaOleg NetalievRachid Yaacoubi

Meitanis Rivers the Goods

Livello 19 : Blinds 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante

George Meitanis moved all in from early position for 130,000 and was called by Osman Ihlamur on the button who held a covering stack.

George Meitanis: 76
Osman Ihlamur: AJ

Ihlamur was ahead and remained so on the QK8 flop. The 9 turn did give Meitanis an open-ended straight draw, but only the five would help as the ten would give Ihlamur a broadway straight. Meitanis got excactly what he needed on the 5 river and secured a full double up at Ihlamur's expense.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Osman Ihlamur tr
Osman Ihlamur
George Meitanis cy
George Meitanis

Tags: George MeitanisOsman Ihlamur

Joumaa Extends his Lead

Livello 19 : Blinds 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante

Leonid Sidelkovskiy opened to 30,000 from middle position and received calls from Bakhos Joumaa on the button and Guoliang Wei in the big blind.

All three players checked the 1087 flop leading to the 3 turn. Wei checked, Sidelkovskiy bet 40,000, Joumaa raised to 120,000, Wei folded and Sidelkovskiy called.

Both remaining players checked the A river. Sidelkovskiy tabled J8 for third pair while Joumaa showed down A2 for a rivered top pair to take the pot.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Bakhos Joumaa lb
Bakhos Joumaa
Leonid Sidelkovskiy ru
Leonid Sidelkovskiy
Guoliang Wei cn
Guoliang Wei
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Bakhos JoumaaGuoliang WeiLeonid Sidelkovskiy

Kaliahin Gets a Big Double

Livello 19 : Blinds 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante

Action was opened to 30,000 from middle position before Ihor Kaliahin put in a cold three-bet from the cutoff to 100,000. The action was then on Leonid Sidelkovskiy on the button who put in a tiny four-bet to 175,000. The original raiser folded and then Kaliahin moved all in.

Sidelkovskiy snap called and the cards hit their backs with Kaliahin all in and at risk.

Ihor Kaliahin: AK
Leonid Sidelkovskiy: AQ

Kaliahin drilled two pair on the 8KA flop. The dealer would still give a sweat when the 3 rolled off on the turn giving Sidelkovskiy the nut flush draw. However, the 4 river was safe and Kaliahin held to get a double in a big spot right after the bubble.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Leonid Sidelkovskiy ru
Leonid Sidelkovskiy
Ihor Kaliahin ua
Ihor Kaliahin

Tags: Ihor KaliahinLeonid Sidelkovskiy

Livello: 20

Bui: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 20,000

Karaarslan Sends Ihlamur to the Rail

Livello 20 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

With two players seeing a board of J59, Osman Ihlamur found himself all in for roughly 280,000 against Feyzullah Karaarslan who held a covering stack..

Osman Ihlamur: 96
Feyzullah Karaarslan: AJ

Karaarslan had top pair but was flipping against Ihlamur's flush draw with second pair. The 5 turn and 7 river were clean for Karaarslan allowing him to take down a healthy pot while Ihlamur was eliminated from the tournament.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Feyzullah Karaarslan tr
Feyzullah Karaarslan
Osman Ihlamur tr
Osman Ihlamur

Tags: Feyzullah KaraarslanOsman Ihlamur

Yurasov Doubles; Burneikis Left With Crumbs

Livello 20 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

Dmitry Yurasov opened in early position to 40,000 and only got called in one spot by Vladas Burneikis in the small blind.

The 936 flop landed and Burneikis check-called a 45,000 continuation bet from Yurasov.

The 2 rolled off on the turn and Burneikis checked again. Yurasov sat in the tank for a moment before announcing he was all in. Burneikis didn't think for long before flicking in a call and putting Yurasov at risk.

Dmitry Yurasov: A9
Vladas Burneikis: K6

Burneikis needed some help but the 10 river did not bring it. Yurasov doubled and Burneikis was left with just 1.5 big blinds.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Dmitry Yurasov ru
Dmitry Yurasov
Day 1B Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner
Vladas Burneikis lt
Vladas Burneikis