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2024 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

€10,300 EPT High Roller
Giorni 3
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
150,000 / 300,000
Informazioni Giocatori - Giorno 3
Giocatori Rimasti

Camosci Pays Off Watson

Livello 33 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante

Enrico Camosci limped from the button and Mike Watson checked out of the big blind.

Watson check-called a bet of 250,000 from Camosci on the K28 flop.

Both players checked the 2 turn for the J to come on the river. Watson led out for 625,000 and Camosci quickly called.

Watson showed 42 for trip deuces to win the pot, as Comosci turned over A8x for middle pair.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Mike Watson ca
Mike Watson
EPT 2X Winner
Enrico Camosci it
Enrico Camosci

Tags: Enrico CamosciMike Watson

Watson Starts to Pull Away

Livello 33 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante

Mike Watson raised the button to 600,000 and Enrico Camosci called from the big blind.

Both players checked the 738 flop to see the 9 come on the turn. Camosci led out for 1,800,000 and Watson called.

On the Q river, Camosci checked and Watson shoved for the remainder of Camosci's 6,200,000. Camosci quickly folded.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Mike Watson ca
Mike Watson
EPT 2X Winner
Enrico Camosci it
Enrico Camosci

Tags: Enrico CamosciMike Watson

Livello: 33

Bui: 125,000/250,000

Ante: 250,000

Watson Doubles Twice Through Camosci

Livello 32 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Mike Watson
Mike Watson

Enrico Camosci shoved from the button and Mike Watson called off with his remaining stack of 2,400,000, putting himself at risk of elimination.

Mike Watson: J10 All in
Enrico Camosci: 52

Watson made two pair on the 7J3108 runout to double up through Camosci.

The two players got their chips in the middle again on the next hand with Watson still at risk with a stack of 5,000,000.

Mike Watson: A7 All in
Enrico Camosci: 106

Watson once again made two pair on the 26A27 runout to nearly close the gap between himself and Camosci.

A couple hands later, Watson opened to 500,000 from the button and Camosci defended from the big blind.

Camosci check-called a 350,000 bet from Watson on the Q87 flop before check-folding to a 1,600,000 bet from Watson on the 4 turn. Watson took the pot and the chip lead for the first time since the heads-up duel began.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Mike Watson ca
Mike Watson
EPT 2X Winner
Enrico Camosci it
Enrico Camosci

Tags: Enrico CamosciMike Watson

Camosci Moves Further Ahead

Livello 32 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Enrico Camosci
Enrico Camosci

Mike Watson limped in from the button and Enrico Camosci raised to 900,000 out of the big blind. Watson called.

Camosci bet 450,000 on the 48K flop and Watson called.

Casosci fired 750,000 when the A came on the turn and Wtson quickly folded.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Enrico Camosci it
Enrico Camosci
Mike Watson ca
Mike Watson
EPT 2X Winner

Tags: Mike WatsonEnrico Camosci

Heads-Up Deal Reached

Livello 32 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante

Mike Watson and Enrico Camosci have agreed on a deal.

Camosci, who has nearly a 4:1 lead over Watson going into heads-up play, has secured for himself €734,000. Watson is guaranteed €575,100. The winner will receive the EPT trophy and an additional €20,000.

The final two players are now on a short break before the heads-up duel begins.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Enrico Camosci it
Enrico Camosci
Mike Watson ca
Mike Watson
EPT 2X Winner

Tags: Enrico CamosciMike Watson

Livello: 32

Bui: 100,000/200,000

Ante: 200,000

Rodrigo Araujo Eliminated in 3rd Place (€365,050)

Livello 31 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Rodrigo Araujo
Rodrigo Araujo

The action was caught on the turn with the board reading 9Q10K, Enrico Camosci bet 200,000 from the small blind and Rodrigo Araujo called from the big blind.

Camosci bet 325,000 on the K river and after a few moments, Araujo shoved for 1,275,000. Camosci thought it over briefly before making the call.

Rodrigo Araujo: Q10 All in
Enrico Camosci: J5

Araujo had turned his counterfeited two pair into a bluff, as Camosci won the pot with a straight.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Enrico Camosci it
Enrico Camosci
Mike Watson ca
Mike Watson
EPT 2X Winner
Rodrigo Araujo br
Rodrigo Araujo

Tags: Enrico CamosciRodrigo Araujo

Jon Kyte Eliminated in 4th Place (€280,750)

Livello 31 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Jon Kyte
Jon Kyte

Mike Watson opened to 350,000 from the button and Jon Kyte three-bet to 700,000 from the small blind, leaving 225,000 behind. Watson made the call.

The flop came 776 and Kyte moved all in for his last 225,000, quickly receiving a call from Watson.

Jon Kyte: A8 All in
Mike Watson: A7

Kyte was drawing close to dead against Watson's trip sevens but did pick up two outs on the 8 turn. No further eights materialized on the 3 river and Kyte was sent to the rail courtesy of Watson who took the pot.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Mike Watson ca
Mike Watson
EPT 2X Winner
Jon Kyte no
Jon Kyte

Tags: Jon KyteMike Watson