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2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

€10,200 NL Hold'em II
Giorni 1
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
20,000 / 40,000
Informazioni Giocatori - Giorno 1
Giocatori Rimasti

Gutierrez Flops Quads to Eliminate Kaukua

Livello 10 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Elias Gutierrez
Elias Gutierrez

Toni Kaukua open-jammed from the hijack for 41,000 chips, and the action folded to Elias Gutierrez in the big blind, who made a quick call with the covering stack.

Toni Kaukua: AJ
Elias Gutierrez: 55

The flop came 5A5, leaving Kaukua with little hope as Gutierrez made four of a kind. No miracle runner-runner aces appeared on the 64 runout, seeing Kaukua exit late on Day 1.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Elias Gutierrez es
Elias Gutierrez
Toni Kaukua fi
Toni Kaukua

Tags: Elias GutierrezToni Kaukua

Tajiou Scores Knockout

Livello 10 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

Rui Querido Martins shoved under the gun, and the action folded to Mounir Tajiou on the button who asked the dealer for a count. After being told it was 39,000, he looked at the clock and announced all-in, which forced the blinds to instantly fold.

Rui Querido Martins: A4
Mounir Tajiou: 77

"I had an ace," said a tablemate as the cards were tabled, giving Martins less hope.

The J1051010 run out was no help for Martins as he stood up from his seat.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Mounir Tajiou se
Mounir Tajiou
Rui Querido Martins mt
Rui Querido Martins

Tags: Mounir TajiouRui Querido Martins

Martins Survives with Sixes

Livello 10 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

With barely four big blinds remaining, Rui Querido Martins went all in from the hijack and was called by Joakim Andersson from the button.

Rui Querido Martins: 66
Joakim Andersson: AQ

The flop came 434, keeping the Maltese in front.

A 3 on the turn gave no further help to Andersson.

The 8 on the river confirmed Martins' double up, but the Swede was still left short.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Joakim Andersson se
Joakim Andersson
Rui Querido Martins mt
Rui Querido Martins

Tags: Rui Querido MartinsJoakim Andersson

The Most Memorable & Unexpected Moments from PokerStars EPT Prague

Livello 10 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
EPT Prague
EPT Prague

2007 was the first year that the PokerStars European Poker Tour visited Prague, and the Czech capital city has since woven a rich tapestry of poker history.

There have been a plethora of memorable and unexpected moments over the last 16 years, and as PokerStars gears up for the 2023 edition of EPT Prague, PokerNews thought it'd be fun to look back at some of the epic tales that have taken place at the stop.

Read the full article

Mustafov Fires at Camosci

Livello 10 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

Fahredin Mustafov and Enrico Camosci were in the blinds where they had gathered 34,000 chips before the JQK flop was dealt. Mustafov then made a bet of 14,000 and Camosci called.

On the Q turn, Mustafov sized up to 35,000, forcing a fold from Camosci and taking down the pot.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Fahredin Mustafov bg
Fahredin Mustafov
Enrico Camosci it
Enrico Camosci

Tags: Enrico CamosciFahredin Mustafov

Camosci Leaves Martins in Trouble

Livello 10 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

The action was joined as Enrico Camosci and Rui Querido Martins were both all in, with the Italian at risk.

Enrico Camosci: AK
Rui Querido Martins: AJ

The flop put Camosci well in front, landing 510K, although Martins did have a straight draw.

A 10 turn and 9 river completed the board and Camosci doubled up, leaving Martins with just 14,500 chips.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Enrico Camosci it
Enrico Camosci
Rui Querido Martins mt
Rui Querido Martins

Tags: Enrico CamosciRui Querido Martins

Livello: 10

Bui: 2,000/4,000

Ante: 4,000

Lehut Sits Down, Immediately Makes Quads to Double

Livello 9 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Jean-Vincent Lehut
Jean-Vincent Lehut

Jean-Vincent Lehut had just joined the action a few hands prior and was involved quickly on the Q87 flop when he check-called a bet of 13,000 from his only opponent in the hand, Nozomu Shimizu.

The 3 fell on the turn, and both players checked to the 8 river. Lehut jammed all-in for 66,000, and Shimizu took a few moments before making the call.

Lehut tabled 88 for quad eights, which got a chuckle out of Shimizu who showed 107.

Only a few moments later, Shimizu was seen walking out of the tournament area.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Jean-Vincent Lehut fr
Jean-Vincent Lehut
Nozomu Shimizu jp
Nozomu Shimizu

Tags: Jean-Vincent LehutNozomu Shimizu

Okamura Doubles Through Kaukua

Livello 9 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante

Toni Kaukua opened from the button and Motoyoshi Okamura defended the big blind. Okamura then checked on the 587 flop, after which Kaukua made a bet of 6,000 chips.

Okamura put in a raise to 17,000 and Kaukua made the call. Okamura then continued for 25,000 on the 3 turn and Kaukua called once more.

On the 2 river, Okamura jammed for 65,000. Kaukua spent some time thinking the situation over before flicking in a call. Okamura showed 98 and his top pair was good against the Q7 of Kaukua, who played second pair.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Motoyoshi Okamura jp
Motoyoshi Okamura
Toni Kaukua fi
Toni Kaukua

Tags: Motoyoshi OkamuraToni Kaukua

Tanemura Gets Value with Nut Flush

Livello 9 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante

The action was joined on the turn, with the 28J9 already on the board.

Elias Gutierrez opened to 6,000 and got a call from Kazuyuki Tanemura on the button.

A K on the river proved to be highly significant. Gutierrez made it 26,000 before being raised to 75,000. The Spaniard made the call then mucked his hand when Tanemura tabled A7 for the rivered nut flush.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Kazuyuki Tanemura jp
Kazuyuki Tanemura
Elias Gutierrez es
Elias Gutierrez

Tags: Elias GutierrezKazuyuki Tanemura