Recap domenicali .com: Getzwiller vince il Sunday Million; bene Feenstra ed Elpayaa

Il PokerStars Sunday Million attrae ogni settimana più di 7.000 partecipanti facendo si che anche alcuni perfetti sconosciuti incassino premi sensazionali ai danni dei pro più conosciuti che in molti casi non riescono ad emergere dalla giungla del field così numeroso.
Questa domenica però i ruoli si sono capovolti e ad arrivare in fondo al torneo sono stati due pro molto conosciuti che rispondono al nome diSean Getzwiller e di Jacob Bazeley, abilissimi ad emergere su un field di 7.748 giocatori.
Alla fine a shippare il torneo è Getzwiller, già vincitore di un braccialetto WSOP, che porta a casa la prima moneta da $232,443. Nella mano che decreta la fine del torneo su un flop J♦10♠2♣ Bazeley mette tutto il suo stack al centro con K♠10♦ e Getzwiller chiama partendo nettamente avanti con K♣K♥. Turn A♦ e river 4♠ sono ininfluenti e Getzwiller può esultare, come vediamo dal tweet inviato subito dopo la vittoria:
Just Shipped the Sunday Milly!!! Thx So much for the love from my friends #SDL
— Sean Getzwiller (@SeanGetzPoker)
Altri giocatori noti che incassano premi di rilievo nella domenica di grinding passata sono il nostroMustapha "lasagnaaammm" Kanit, delle cui gesta vi avevamo già parlato ieri, oltre a Joseph "bigegypt" Elpayaa, Jonas "clowndick" Mackoff, Rens "Rens02" Feenstra, Peter "Se7enTr3y" Akery e Casey "bigdogpckt5s" Jarzabek.
Ecco una carrellata dei risultati dei tornei più importanti della domenica giocati su, Full Tilt Poker, e WSOP.

Sunday Million ($1M Guaranteed)
Buy in | Iscritti | Prizepool |
$200+15 | 7.748 | $1,549,600 |
Place | Player | Prize |
1 | Sean "wormnorton" Getzwiller | $232,443 |
2 | Jake "Bazeman11" Bazeley | $170,456 |
3 | veryking | $116,220 |
4 | Buckman88 | $78,099 |
5 | PANAGIOTIS.G | $61,984 |
6 | perusfinne | $46,488 |
7 | FLUSHKE10 | $30,992 |
8 | Barakiel27 | $17,820 |
9 | yeres | $12,009 |
Piazzamento giocatori noti: Paul "pvas2" Van Nunes (57th - $1,401)

Sunday Warm-Up ($500K Guaranteed)
Buy in | Iscritti | Prizepool |
$200+15 | 3.624 | $724,800 |
Place | Player | Prize |
1 | RigasDinamo | $89,060* |
2 | pads1161 | $94,000* |
3 | mora7777 | $75,331* |
4 | STEALurM0NEY | $41,676 |
5 | OshriAK | $30,804 |
6 | Joseph "bigegypt" Elpayaa | $23,556 |
7 | Rytis "RichieA7s" Praninskas | $16,308 |
8 | Big_Slick557 | $9,060 |
9 | luigisipapa | $5,798 |
Piazzamento giocatori noti: Taylor "tRaMp$d0PrAy" Paur (11th - $4,348)

$250K Guarantee
Buy in | Iscritti | Prizepool |
$200+15 | 1.418 | $283,600 |
Place | Player | Prize |
1 | QueenKacey | $56,720 |
2 | ocnits | $37,718 |
3 | SuitedAcesBaby | $26,942 |
4 | milldollbaby | $20,135 |
5 | URMYLeNoR | $15,030 |
6 | elmerix | $11,060 |
7 | Kumasha | $8,224 |
8 | Bit2Easy | $5,955 |
9 | beeriori | $4,225 |
Piazzamento giocatori noti: Rafael Caiaffa (12th - $2,836), Jonathan "xMONSTERxDONGx" Karamalikis (13th - $2,098), Bolivar "Ramux" Palacios (17th - $1,559)

Sunday Brawl ($200K Guaranteed)
Buy in | Iscritti | Prizepool |
$240+15 | 1.238 | $247,600 |
Place | Player | Prize |
1 | ScarJo | $49,520 |
2 | Tiago_Dias19 | $32,980 |
3 | F-W1966 | $23,522 |
4 | freddiewalli | $17,579 |
5 | canadiense | $13,122 |
6 | FaceMyAlterEgo | $9,656 |
7 | Rentry85 | $7,180 |
8 | Anthony "holdplz" Spinella | $5,199 |
9 | GabrielBlefador | $3,714 |
Piazzamento giocatori noti: Carlos Mavca (14th - $1,881)

200K Guaranteed Sunday
Buy in | Iscritti | Prizepool |
$200+15 | 1.075 | $200,000 |
Place | Player | Prize |
1 | Jonas "clowndick" Mackoff | $27,400 |
2 | gortatleva | $16,500 |
3 | koczwi | $9,800 |
4 | Ivep4ncak3s | $7,400 |
5 | Jason "Grey Area" Wheeler | $5,300 |
6 | MehFold | $3,900 |
7 | MasterJ_Fyeah | $2,900 |
8 | Reraiser1985 | $2,400 |
9 | danking11 | $1,920 |

Sunday 500 ($300K Guaranteed)
Buy in | Iscritti | Prizepool |
$500+30 | 886 | $79,740 |
Place | Player | Prize |
1 | Rens "Rens02" Feenstra | $79,740 |
2 | superfred77 | $57,590 |
3 | SwissCantMis | $42,971 |
4 | szusza84 | $32,117 |
5 | dejanaceking | $22,327 |
6 | David "DonkCommited" Miscikowski | $17,720 |
7 | molda79 | $13,290 |
8 | Akameo | $8,860 |
9 | s3c3_1978 | $5,316 |
Piazzamento giocatori noti: Anton "antesvante" Wigg (16th - $2,658), Keven "Stammdogg" Stammen (25th - $1,993), Joe "jcada99" Cada (25th - $1,993), Connor "blanconegro" Drinnan (26th - $1,993)
Get in on the Sunday Majors action yourself by visiting PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and PartyPoker.

$109 Sunday Rebuy ($225K Guaranteed)
Buy in | Iscritti | Prizepool |
$100+9 | 1.117 | $343,600 |
Place | Player | Prize |
1 | vonBaranow | $63,222 |
2 | lasagnaaammm | $45,870 |
3 | Casey "bigdogpckt5s" Jarzabek | $34,360 |
4 | Thayer "THAY3R" Rasmussen | $25,770 |
5 | Darren "darrenelias" Elias | $18,039 |
6 | RuiNF | $14,603 |
7 | KungKroon | $11,167 |
8 | imwatchingyo | $7,731 |
9 | AAcademiKK | $4,810 |
Piazzamento giocatori noti: Christian "eisenhower1" Jeppsson (11th - $3,436), Maria "Femmeonfelt" Ho (13th - $2,746), Steve "mcnallyville" McNally (16th - $2,130), Will "CutiePi314" Ma (17th - $2,130), Toby "810ofclubs" Lewis (20th - $1,546), Jon "apestyles" Van Fleet (22nd - $1,546), Tyler "brainwash" Cornell (26th - $1,546), Andras "probirs" Nemeth (27th - $1,546)

Sunday 2nd Chance ($175K Guaranteed)
Buy in | Iscritti | Prizepool |
$200+15 | 1.392 | $278,400 |
Place | Player | Prize |
1 | TranquilMind | $38,461* |
2 | BIack88 | $34,617* |
3 | prebz | $35,469* |
4 | anaocgms | $18,931 |
5 | Scandiviking | $13,780 |
6 | tinytim2006 | $10,996 |
7 | miguel18 | $8,212 |
8 | pzerotm | $5,428 |
9 | Erebgil_bg | $3,006 |
Piazzamento giocatori noti: Evan "SenorPokes" Jarvis (12th - $2,449), Ozgur "phaplap" Arda (14th - $1,893), Michael "Skämmes" Tureniec (16th - $1,336), Larry "BBOY3110" Sharpe (19th - $1,113), Marty "TheLipoFund" Mathis (26th - $1,113)

Sunday Supersonic ($125K Guaranteed)
Buy in | Iscritti | Prizepool |
$210.80+4.20 | 1.517 | $319,783 |
Place | Player | Prize |
1 | Peter "Se7enTr3y" Akery | $51,138* |
2 | nherrego | $47,131* |
3 | lcgodinho | $31,978 |
4 | micide | $23,983 |
5 | Päffchen | $16,788 |
6 | needdollarz | $13,590 |
7 | Halkeye | $10,392 |
8 | mezzias | $7,195 |
9 | Blue Streak6 | $4,476 |
Piazzamento giocatori noti: Matt "ch0ppy" Kay (14th - $2,398), Christian "C.K." Kruel (24th - $1,087), Randal "RadnALLin" Flowers (25th - $1,087)

$25,000 Weekly Sunday Guarantee (New Jersey)
Buy in | Iscritti | Prizepool |
$200+15 | 151 | $30,200 |
Place | Player | Prize |
1 | juice | $8,154 |
2 | smaulerg | $4,756 |
3 | Zdvol632 | $2,718 |
4 | bluscarecrow | $2,114 |
5 | npcb09 | $1,812 |
6 | Gary "GB2005" Bogdanski | $1,510 |
7 | Yeezus | $1,147 |
8 | IndigoFlow | $724 |
9 | Blakjaks14 | $513 |

$15,000 Weekly Sunday Guarantee (Nevada)
Buy in | Iscritti | Prizepool |
$200+15 | 82 | $16,400 |
Place | Player | Prize |
1 | boomerfancy | $4,674 |
2 | Juantoo3fore | $2,706 |
3 | redmike99 | $1,640 |
4 | mnbass1 | $1,312 |
5 | Mcevoy | $1,131 |
6 | lindleyloo | $967 |
7 | newhippy | $803 |
8 | Forthekids | $557 |
9 | butters | $442 |
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